FIRST Tech Challenge Team
Wired Up 12754
Welcome to the website for FTC Team 12754 Wired Up! On this site you will find info about the team, blogs about the events we have "gone to," records of our achievements, and other general information.
Wired Up is FIRST Tech Challenge team #12754 from Denver, IA. Wired Up was started in 2017 by Val Frey and Rich Knowles as a successor to a now retired FTC team Cybots #5975. We are associated with the Denver Community School District.
As a team, we work year round to design, build, and program a robot to compete in a specific challenge given to us by FIRST and FTC. This challenge changes every year, so we have to adapt our team, robot, and strategy to overcome it.
Gracious Professionalism
"Gracious Professionalism is part of the ethos of FIRST. It's a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community." -Dr. Woodie Flowers, FIRST Ambassador
Gracious Professionalism is a huge part of FIRST and especially FTC. Gracious Professionalism is a huge part of the Wired Up team, and we strive to stick to its values in everything we do. In the community, on the field, and in our day-to-day lives. The biggest part of Gracious Professionalism for us is respecting individuals and the community. We believe that when we show respect and be Gracious Professionals, we not only make ourselves look good, but also FIRST, FTC, and their shared mission.
Major Awards/Acheivements
2017-2018 Relic Recovery:
Connect Award Winner (Denver League Championships)
2018-2019 Rover Ruckus:
Inspire Award Winner (Denver League Championships)
Winning Alliance Captain (Denver League Championships)
Finalist Alliance Captain- Gold Division (State)
2019-2020 Skystone:
Inspire Award Winner (Denver League Championships)
Think Award Winner (Waverly Super Qualifier)
Think Award Winner (State)
Finalist Alliance Captain-Gold Division (State)
2020-2021 Ulitmate Goal:
1st Place Robot (Nevada League Championships)
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award (Norwalk Super Qualifier)
3rd Place Robot (Iowa Championships)